Google Brings Play Books To New Zealand

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Google Brings Play Books To New Zealand

Сообщение natjaz » 28 сен 2012, 22:38

Google Brings Play Books To New Zealand, Eight Countries Across Asia
Google's got a surprise for users across Asia and New Zealand today, bringing Play Books availability to nine new places: Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, and New Zealand.

The company that claims the world's largest selection of online books has been slowly but surely making headway in spreading its Play products across the planet. Of course, it would be great if Google could simply flip a switch to bring Play to all Android users everywhere, but legal issues and other roadblocks mean it still takes some time to expand. Still, Google appears to be keeping pace, having just brought Play Books to nine European countries in July.

If you're in one of the places listed above, go get some books! Otherwise, keep tabs on Google's Play Books movements at the link below.

Google Play International Availability

Комментарии пользователей

Jerald Lee • 10 hours ago −
Yes! Finally in Philippines! I just hope they will also bring Google Play Music All Access. :)
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crackinthewall Jerald Lee • 6 hours ago −
I wish they'd change the pricing though. Checked some of the books and they're just as expensive if not more than buying a paperback. In some cases, even the hardbound is cheaper.
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Jerome Paul Esteban Jerald Lee • 7 hours ago −
Been using Google Play Music All Access in the Philippines for a while now. It's really great!
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crackinthewall Jerome Paul Esteban • 7 hours ago −
Still can't buy tracks though. I'd really want some of those $4 albums.
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Jerome Paul Esteban crackinthewall • 6 hours ago −
I just tried buying a track, and it worked for (stopped when it asked for password confirmation though so I didn't complete the purchase).

I do have some of the free music Google Play offered a while back.
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crackinthewall Jerome Paul Esteban • 6 hours ago −
With a local credit/debit card? I don't think so.
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Jerome Paul Esteban crackinthewall • 6 hours ago −
I use Globe's GCASH American Express. Comes with a US billing address and it's gotten me everything from Google Play Music All Access to Netflix.

Not too much hassle, I think. Depends on how much you really want region-restricted stuff.
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Guest Jerome Paul Esteban • 7 hours ago −
Google Play Music is still not available in the Philippines. What are you using to illegally access region-locked content from Google?
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Jerome Paul Esteban Guest • 6 hours ago −
An American credit card is all it takes apparently, as I'm not even using a VPN to mask my location. I do use a VPN to access Netflix, though. The Google Music app doesn't seem to care where you are in the world; as long as you subscribed to All Access, you don't need to spoof your location.

This is all from my personal experience, YMMV.
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It'sAGoodService Jerome Paul Esteban • 2 hours ago −
You don't even need a real American credit card. Just change your Country to "USA" with a valid address and pin code to match in your Google Wallet account and you're good to go. I live in... a place where we don't have AllAccess but I've been enjoying the $7.99 promotional price since ever :D
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kiMz • 10 hours ago −
I would prefer the store that sell Nexus stuff :)
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A.I.W. • 10 hours ago −
Finally, Indonesia gets a Google service! Been waiting for this!
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Rendy Mulyono A.I.W. • 16 minutes ago −
Have you tried it yet? Just checked my Books app... country not supported (in Indo)
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Roshan Nair • 10 hours ago −
Finally in Malaysia..Thank God...
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Julian Ooi Roshan Nair • 9 hours ago −
now only for devices...
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moot Roshan Nair • 10 hours ago −
i would love if music and movies also available in malaysia.. but im sure it wont be around in the meantime..
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Wai Kean Ong Roshan Nair • 10 hours ago −
Yeah finally. Been waiting for so long. Time for me to get an Android tablet.

Categories: Google, News
Tags: books, ebooks, Google, international, play, rollout
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